Saturday, September 7, 2013

Gluten free chapattis, roti

Gluten free chapattis

As soon as we started weaning my son showed wheat intolerance, even the first day.
I know in the states wheat isn’t given till later but in India this is one of the things that weaning is started on.
They have so many varieties here.
Like dhaliya (pressed wheat), and sooji (semolina) and well wheat flour.
The first time I gave him wheat in two hrs. He was crying, his tummy was bloated and he had diarrhea for 3 days. Suffice to say he wasn’t given wheat at all.
And when he was a baby it wasn’t an issue. Baby foods were easy apple sauce, mashed fruits veggies and then more solid stuff like kichdhi (Indian dish made with dhal and rice to which I added many veggies n sometimes even cooked in chicken stock), and for dessert I made flavored custards with soy milk and corn flour n usually with mangoes or apple puree
He never liked if his food was put in the blender. He liked some roughness to it he preferred if I mashed the food with hand. So by the time he had gotten one year old he could eat cut pieces of fruits n then rice by 18 months without it being crushed
He also started being more interested what we ate. And chapatti was a staple part of our diet. He wanted to eat it so bad. And I wanted to give it to him.
By 18months his autism n hyperactivity had been diagnosed his psychiatrist had mentioned that I put him on a gluten free diet.
So I found this gluten free flour
It’s from bewell. I think it’s the only local brand of flour available in Delhi

I had also tried making chapatti with organ all-purpose flour which didn’t turn out so well. The end product was hard n Nooh wouldn’t touch it. So I left the organ flour for cakes n other bakes. It’s very white so with cakes n stuff u can’t tell that its gluten free.
This is so called soft chapatti Atta
I figured it should live up to the name
It did take a bit of meddling in flour to make it the ideal way meaning the way I like
If you are cooking for someone with gluten sensitivity keep all utensils separate. including cook ware to the scrubbing brush
Makes 5 chapattis
Time 15 mins

1 cup gluten free bewell flour
3/4 cup hot water
1/t tsp. salt
2 tsp. oil
Excess flour for dusting

Take flour

Make a well in the middle
Add oil in it

Sprinkle salt over it

Add water mixing with spoon. Add water as needed. I needed about 3/4 of a cup u might need more or less if u want to make it harder. But I found that it was more difficult to roll that way and this flour requires way more water than normal flour.

When mixture resembles chunks, knead with hands

Make a ball n flatten as shown dust some flour all around it

Dust your board n pin with flour
This will stick more than normal chapatti so be generous
Now roll in to shape
The edges tend to crack n that’s because its gluten free

On a hot pan bake both sides. when bubbles form u know its done.

If u like you can add a little amount of clarified butter aka ghee at the end on top of the chapatti
This would make it smoke a little
I added a half teaspoon of sunflower oil my kid is also lactose intolerant 

Remove from heat
N serve hot
Chapatti will get hard if u make it ahead of time so make as needed.

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